Jane’s Stroke Recovery Journey: From Setback to Success

Jane’s Stroke Recovery Journey: From Setback to Success

In April 2020, Jane’s life took an unexpected turn when she suffered a stroke that left her with significant weakness on the left side of her body. Before the stroke, Jane led a vibrant and active lifestyle, completing marathon charity walks and pursuing her passions for playing the piano and creating art.

Early Challenges

After spending 3 months in hospital, Jane had to re-learn basic tasks we often take for granted, such as sitting and standing on her own. Upon returning home, she could only walk short distances with the aid of a Zimmer frame and had very limited use of her left arm.

But Jane set her sights on a goal that seemed almost impossible: walking the one-mile path from her parents’ house in Formby, through the pine woods, to the beach—a place she loved.

Working with Burscough Neuro Physiotherapy

In July 2020, after completing her NHS physiotherapy, Jane contacted the practice to continue her rehabilitation journey. With dedication and hard work, Jane progressed from using her Zimmer frame to walking with a stick, and eventually walking unaided in the house.

By early 2021, Jane achieved her goal of walking to the beach, a milestone that filled her with hope and renewed energy.

Milestones Achieved

Jane’s progress didn’t stop there. Over the next year, she continued to work with her physiotherapist Jo, setting and completing several fantastic goals:

  • Walking 10,000 steps in a day
  • Riding a bike again
  • Taking a solo train trip
  • Driving lessons, and by August 2022, Jane drove herself to our clinic for the first time—an emotional and triumphant moment.

Jane has also returned to her creative passions. She now attends a local art group, and she’s playing the piano again, challenging her left hand while honing her skills with her non-dominant right hand.

Jane’s Advice to Others

“Keep going. Even if progress seems slow, one day you will be able to do something you couldn’t do before. And if it doesn’t work the first time—keep trying! You can find physiotherapy opportunities in everyday tasks, from housework to gardening.”

Jane’s story is a testament to the power of persistence, and we hope her journey inspires others to keep striving for their goals.
